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Watersheds & Projects
Water Development
Water Conservation
Laramie County Conservation District is sponsoring the South Platte River Watershed Study with funding from the Wyoming Water Development Commission. Click here for information on the Study.
The Laramie County Conservation District works with local stakeholders to develop and implement the Crow Creek Watershed Plan. This locally-developed management plan addresses water quality impairments in Crow Creek and recommends Best Management Practices that can be implemented on private and public lands. The plan underwent a public comment period and was approved by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality in March 2004. Implementing the recommendations in the plan involves voluntary efforts from the community.
Current Projects: LCCD Fishery & Wetland Complex
The Conservation District provides free technical assistance to assist in water development for livestock & wildlife, stream restoration and water quality enhancement projects.
Click here for more information on the Wyoming Water Development Small Water Project program.
Call or email Jeff Geyer, Water Specialist at or 772-2600 to visit about needs.
There is concern over the impacts growth and development are having on the aquifers underlying Laramie County. Due to this concern, the Laramie County Commissioners have requested a study of the aquifers underlying Laramie County in an effort to provide them with guidance in the management of groundwater resources. This aquifer study will produce a Laramie County Groundwater Atlas and an Aquifer Management System. Click here for an Executive Summary of the Aquifer Study and here for the Final Report.